When I think of the Ministry of Service I have to think of worship. When we mention worshiping we immediately default to the music side of worship. Worship is more lifestyle and function than just singing and the function of worship can sometimes get lost in the thought process of music worship. Ministry in this way is more of an art than it is anything else because God takes the individual gifts He has given us all and paints a picture of life for each of us. Within that painting we see Him causing our gifts to come to the foreground of our life in an incredible expression of love for Him. Paul spoke to this expression of love that comes from us in 1 Corinthians 16:14 And do everything with love.
When our reason for what we do for Jesus is out of great love for Him, everything comes into a clearer perspective. No longer do we serve for self-gain. No longer do we qualify our service in levels of accomplishment. No longer is jealousy a part of the heart of the servant. We love Jesus and we serve Him and that is the beginning and the end of our attitude about worshipping Him with our life.
You might say "How can I accomplish the kind of worship lifestyle?" In John 4:24 Jesus shared a great truth with the woman at the well. In that truth were the mindset for worshipping that He longs for each of us and that mindset is only possible through the Holy Spirit. John 4:24 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” The Art of Ministry is best painted by the expression the Holy Spirit gives through our life. The end result of that expression is service given in love and led by the Spirit.
What a great thing it would be if all believers could find their place in service by expressing their love to the Lord and being led by the Holy Spirit. True worship in their walk as led by the Holy Spirit, and living that life in the pure truth of the Word of God. Show me someone not serving and I will show you a person who is miserable because the Spirit compels us to worship with our lives and when we don't find a way to do that it quenches the Spirit and thus frustrates the believer.
Come out of the frustration of not serving as Jesus has called you to serve and step into a new day of being led by the Spirit to serve and truly realize abundant life. The painting you will be painting with your walk will then be a beautiful expression of God's love for everyone you meet and in everything you do. Ministry is an art and God is the perfect painter who is painting a life of service for all who know Him. In that painting, we find true joy!
The Pilgrimage Continues...
David Warren